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Contributing to Emacs

By Colin Woodbury on 2021-08-17, updated 2021-08-21

I recently contributed a new Elisp function to the "Files" API of upstream Emacs. Being more than just a typo fix, this threw me into the deepend of their entire dev process. This article explains their mailing-list-based workflow from start to finish in the age of Github and Pull Requests. It was actually pretty smooth!

Keep in mind that if you are just correcting a typo, etc., much of what is written here can be ignored. You could skip right to Sending a Patch Email below.

Community Discussion:


Until recently, Emacs lacked a function to set or swap the extension of a string that you're handling as a filename. It was important to me that this be done in a sane, checked way that we'd expect from other modern languages, as opposed to just slapping strings together. I initially tried to add this in a PR to Doom Emacs, but it was rejected for a good reason:

I don't want Doom to trend any further toward reinventing f.el (which has f-swap-ext). Sorry for the trouble!

I was sad for a bit, but it's actually good that Doom's maintainer didn't merge it. Turns out the code was wrong!

I took a look at f.el and its f-swap-ext as had been pointed out, but found it didn't account for certain edge cases:

(defun f-swap-ext (path ext)
  "Return PATH but with EXT as the new extension.
EXT must not be nil or empty."
  (if (s-blank? ext)
      (error "Extension cannot be empty or nil")
    (concat (f-no-ext path) "." ext)))

I could have patched this, but that would only be useful/discoverable to users of f.el. And so I opted to upstream my code straight to the source: Emacs itself.

How Emacs is Developed

Emacs follows the same development paradigm as the Linux Kernel and Arch Linux's pacman: mailing lists and mailed-in patch files. After some email-based discussion (and perhaps resubmission of fixed patches), maintainers merge these patches manually, assigning you the "Author" field of the commit, while they are the "Committer" (that's why there's a difference).

Cloning the Repo

The repo is otherwise a normal Git repo that you can git clone:

Adding a Lisp Function

The Code

Here is final form of the code, after being nudged in various directions by maintainers:

(defun file-name-with-extension (filename extension)
The extension (in a file name) is the part that begins with the last \".\".

Trims a leading dot from the EXTENSION so that either \"foo\" or
\".foo\" can be given.

Errors if the FILENAME or EXTENSION are empty, or if the given
FILENAME has the format of a directory.

See also `file-name-sans-extension'."
  (let ((extn (string-trim-left extension "[.]")))
    (cond ((string-empty-p filename) (error "Empty filename: %s" filename))
          ((string-empty-p extn) (error "Malformed extension: %s" extension))
          ((directory-name-p filename) (error "Filename is a directory: %s" filename))
          (t (concat (file-name-sans-extension filename) "." extn)))))

Understanding this code isn't important: we're trying to dissect the Emacs development workflow.

There was a decent amount of back-and-forth and corrections before it finally went in. This makes total sense: the maintainers would want to get an addition right the first time before merging, since once it's in and part of the Lisp API of Emacs, it's hard to rip back out.


The content of a function's docstring is what appears when you C-h f that function.

The extension (in a file name) is the part that begins with the last \".\".

Trims a leading dot from the EXTENSION so that either \"foo\" or
\".foo\" can be given.

Errors if the FILENAME or EXTENSION are empty, or if the given
FILENAME has the format of a directory.

See also `file-name-sans-extension'."

There are three rules to writing proper docstrings:

  • The first line must be a complete sentence.
  • Past the first line, you must not indent.
  • The function arguments must appear in the docstring, but capitalized.

Error Conventions

Notice that we're just erroring if given bad input:

(cond ((string-empty-p extn) (error "Malformed extension: %s" extension)))

Initially I was yielding nil in such cases to avoid exceptions, citing bad user experience, but this approach was rejected. Instead it's considered standard practice to use the global debug mode built in to Emacs to view full stacktraces if you really want to know how and why a function failed.

Unit Tests

Every Lisp file has a corresponding file under a test directory in which to place unit tests. In test/lisp/files-test.el we add:

(ert-deftest files-tests-file-name-with-extension-good ()
  "Test that `file-name-with-extension' succeeds with reasonable input."
  (should (string= (file-name-with-extension "Jack" "css") "Jack.css"))
  (should (string= (file-name-with-extension "Jack" ".css") "Jack.css"))
  (should (string= (file-name-with-extension "Jack.scss" "css") "Jack.css"))
  (should (string= (file-name-with-extension "/path/to/" "org") "/path/to/")))

A workable flow for running these:

  • Write/change your unit test.
  • Run eval-buffer (or type gR in Doom).
  • Run ert-run-tests-interactively.
  • Auto-complete to the test you want to run.
  • View results:
Selector: files-tests-file-name-with-extension-good
Passed:  1
Failed:  0
Skipped: 0
Total:   1/1

Started at:   2021-08-14 09:39:24-0700
Finished at:  2021-08-14 09:39:24-0700

Presumably these are all run as a batch in some mysterious Emacs CI somewhere when actually merged.

Updating the Manual

Having docs appear under C-h f is great, but our new function also needs an official manual entry. In doc/lispref/files.texi we add:

@defun file-name-with-extension filename extension
This function returns @var{filename} with its extension set to
@var{extension}.  A single leading dot in the @var{extension} will be
stripped if there is one.  For example:

(file-name-with-extension "file" "el")
     @result{} "file.el"
(file-name-with-extension "file" ".el")
     @result{} "file.el"
(file-name-with-extension "file.c" "el")
     @result{} "file.el"
@end example

Note that this function will error if @var{filename} or
@var{extension} are empty, or if the @var{filename} is shaped like a
directory (i.e., if @code{directory-name-p} returns non-@code{nil}).
@end defun

Note the special markup.

With this, the next time an Emacs release is made with our change included, a new version of the Manual will also be published with our examples.

Updating the "Short Docs"

Along with the Manual or our usual C-h f, there is another documentation paradigm for viewing the real, executed effects of various functions. In lisp/emacs-lisp/shortdoc.el we add the following to the file-name group:

 :eval (file-name-with-extension "foo.txt" "bin")
 :eval (file-name-with-extension "foo" "bin"))

Now, if we run M-x shortdoc-display-group and follow the completions to file-name, we see the following rendered examples:

(file-name-with-extension filename extension)
  (file-name-with-extension "foo.txt" "bin")
    ⇒ "foo.bin"
  (file-name-with-extension "foo" "bin")
    ⇒ "foo.bin"

This is handy for knowing what to expect from functions without running them ourselves.

Updating the NEWS

This file is huge, and it took a while to figure out where to actually insert the entry. Eventually I found the heading Lisp Changes in Emacs 28.1 and added:

** New function 'file-name-with-extension'.
This function allows a canonical way to set/replace the extension of a file name.

Forming a Commit

Like any large project, the Emacs folks prefer a particular format for commit messages. The message associated with our particular patch was:

Add new function file-name-with-extension

* lisp/files.el (file-name-with-extension): New function.
* doc/lispref/files.texi (File Name Components): Document it.
* lisp/emacs-lisp/shortdoc.el (file-name): Ditto.

If your patch only tweaks a single function in a single file, you can just use the git message's top line:

; * lisp/dired.el (dired-jump): Doc fix.

Notice the semicolon. Check the git log in the Emacs repo for more examples of the commit format.

Sending a Patch Email

Assuming we've done our coding on a separate (local) branch, we can output a usable patch file with:

git format-patch master

Following that, we attach that file as a normal email attachment (i.e. not copy-pasted into the email body) and send it via whatever mail client we like to in most cases, or if we think the patch warrants more discussion. Patches seem to be accepted on either mailing list.

Maintainers will get back to us via email. The threads in their entirety can be viewed on the Archives.

Copyright Assignment

If the patch is non-trivial (i.e. more than just fixing a typo, etc.), we need to assign copyright to the Free Software Foundation. Once complete, our contribution falls under the legal protection of the FSF.

To assign copyright:

  • Fill out the template above and email it to
  • Wait for a nice man named Craig to send you a personalised form to fill out.
  • Fill out the assignment form, scan it, and send it back to them.
  • N+K days later, you'll get a copy of the form signed by someone on their end.
  • Legal protection complete!

You may feel the urge here to grumble about red tape, but overall I think this Assignment process to be worth it.


With any luck, we'll eventually get a response on the mailing list from somebody with Merge powers that our patch has been merged. This can be confirmed by checking the commit list. We did it!

Advertisement in Emacs Newsletter

Much like This Week in Rust and similar newsletters, Emacs has one too. The author usually provides links when new patches have been merged.


And that's that! Honestly, before I had started the entire process I had assumed it would be worse than it was; that I'd be forced to use arcane tooling or configure my mail client in a special way in order to submit patches. But no!

That said, a workflow based on Github (or similar) has the advantage of first-class CI, cleaner reviews, and other intricate project settings (like teams, etc.). I'm glad my own projects are on Github.

Either way, Emacs development is alive and well, and commits flow into its master branch daily. Pretty good for a project born in the 70s!

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