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All Things Emacs Bundle


(Edit: Check it out: You can now get an even bigger bundle of cool Emacs stuff: the Emacs de Luxe Bundle

Plenty has already been said about Emacs, the text editor that edits text and does pretty much everything else besides. Whether you (or a friend) are already an experienced user or a beginner taking your first steps towards proficiency in this powerful program, there's a lot you'll find useful in the All Things Emacs bundle.

This package contains: One printed copy of the latest Emacs manual, supplemented with a Emacs Quick Reference Card, for those commands you'll want to look up most frequently. To allay your thirst and/or undercaffeination or hold your pencils while using Emacs we'll include a Emacs "Auto-Fill Mode" mug. That's not all - we'll also send you five each of the Emacs Logo and Emacs Sink Icon stickers - everyone will know you are a master of text editing (and pretty much everything else) when you stick these to your laptop, skateboard, pet, whatever.

All together it's an $83 value, but we're letting these bundles out the door at a discount. What will you do with the money you save? The same as what you'll do with Emacs - anything you can imagine.