Membership Drive Results 2016


From February 3rd to March 14th, we ran our second ever membership drive.

###**The Numbers**

This year, we are delighted to say hello to 335 new and returning members. This means that our membership numbers are up 172% over last year, which is wonderful to see!

Of these numbers, 50 members are entirely new to the OSI, 117 were manually renewing their memberships, and 168 continued through their automatic membership renewals. This is in addition to our other 270 members whose memberships may update at different times throughout the year.
Both the 2015 & 2016 campaigns, have taught us a lot about our members, the broader open source community, how to organize and run a member drive, and especially how we can communicate the importance of supporting the OSI and open source through membership.
With all this in mind, we are already preparing for next year, when we hope to see continued growth in our membership numbers!

###**Thank you!**

Thanks to everyone who participated in this campaign. From all who joined or renewed their membership, to those who encouraged members of the community to be part of the drive.
Of course, we don’t only welcome new members during our membership drives, so please continue to spread the word!
We appreciate your help and your support of the Open Source Initiative!

###**Here’s what some of our new members have to say:**

“The OSI supports free software that enables me to contribute to, and develop, technology.” – *Jacob Barhak*

“I strongly believe sharing knowledge in the form of source code is extremely beneficial for people, and is in the best interest of the human race and its future.” – *Nicolae Carabut*

“I believe in sharing my work, and I *always* choose an OSI license.” – *Shane Curcuru*

“The Open Source Movement is changing the world, and I am proud to be a part of that change.”- *Jamie Duncan*

“Open source pays the bills, yo.” – *John Jacobs Anderson*

“I support the OSI because of its advocacy work and because it’s important to have an organization that safeguards the meaning of open source.” – *Chris Jerdonek*

“I believe that open source is the only way forward.” – *Nick Lüthi*

“I believe in the Flexibility and Growth that open source offers.” – *Iris Smith*

“I support the OSI because they support Internet policy management.” – *James Smith*

“The OSI actually can make a difference in progressively articulating a usable range of licenses and their enabling logic.” – *Louis Suárez-Potts*